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Property Committee

There is always something to do, whether it is changing a light bulb, tightening screws or just figuring out a better way to accomplish tasks. The Property Committee is all about maintaining the inside and outside of the building so that when visitors and parishioners attend, they leave saying, “this is a nice safe place to worship.”

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Core Property  Committee Services

The objective of our group is to ensure that the campus is safe and functional for all visitors.  This can include the installation of new electronic entry doors, video camera systems on staff computers, trip hazard reductions (level concrete walkways), and updated property drainage systems to prevent concrete heaving that could potentially cause blocked entryways.  We also install and maintain proper lighting of the parking lot and entrances.  Plus, we are responsible for collecting bids for new HVAC, entrance doors, grass cutting and snow removal, revitalizing the parking lot, and roofing.  We inspect all fire extinguishers to be sure they are within expiry dates and that boilers are certified.  We coordinate spring and fall clean-ups and assist with major events inside and out to be sure safety guidelines are followed.  These a just a few examples of the Property Committee’s responsibilities.


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