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Council Treasurer


I am Jim Bruesehoff. I am the treasurer of CLC.  I attend monthly Executive, Council and Congregational meetings and Annual Retreats, and any other meetings necessary to properly manage the financial health of this congregation

Core CLC Treasurer  Services

The treasurer oversees all funds for the congregation (except the CLC Foundation).

I am responsible for understanding the budget of the congregation and applying the budget to the financial statements of the congregation.  (The budget is developed by the Congregational Council under the guidance of the Treasurer and the direction of the Finance Committee of the Council.)


I manage disbursements of all obligations of Christ Lutheran Church and prepare, at least annually, an audited report to the congregation on the financial status of Christ Lutheran Church.  I also prepare additional financial reports throughout the fiscal year as necessary and as directed by the Council.


The Treasurer forwards benevolence from this congregation as directed by the Council, as well.  I alert the Council whenever disbursements exceed projected receipts by more than 2% of the annual budget.  I also make recommendations to the Council and act on financial decisions of the Council in bringing expenses in line with the budget.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


                               CONTACT US
    32300 Schoenherr Rd, Warren, MI 48088
    Phone:  586-293-0700
​​    Email:


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