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Adult Education
Connect with others! As you grow in your understanding you will be able to apply God’s Word to your life and equip others and share your faith.

Elders / Seniors

Pairs and Spares meet monthly for lunch and games and other adventures.   This group is open to all seniors and their friends age 50 and up. 

Homebound ministry-  Those who would benefit from a visit from a CLC member. This ministry, through volunteer effort, visits residences and nursing facilities to provide spiritual support, communion or just a friendly visit.  Volunteers make cards and frequently send them throughout the year to our homebound members. 

Community Service


Daily Bread Food Pantry -Christ Lutheran Church seeks to serve those needing help by providing food assistance, along with hygiene
and cleaning products.  We invite all those in need from
our surrounding community to come to visit us during
pantry hours. Third Tuesday of the month from 12 Noon - 2 PM (FOLLOWING COVID POLICIES- OPEN EVERY OTHER MONTH

Pins and Needles -Sewing ministry seeking to serve through their talents and fellowship by sewing lap ropes for MI vets and nursing facilities.



CCLC enjoys two contemporary musical groups: Genesis and CLC Praise Band. The two groups currently, rotate their musical assistance at the 11 o'clock service. They will continue to rotate, along with traditional organ music when services combine for a 10 o'clock service during the summer.



We are deeply rooted in prayer.  Our weekly prayer group meets on Mondays to pray for our members, friends, and visitors who may be ill, the families who have lost a member of their family, our community, our governments, church council, staff. Please email the church at or call 586-293-0700 with your Prayer Requests.

Sunday School


Our Sunday School runs all year for those potty trained to grade four, each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. At Christ Lutheran, we believe the children should be equipped with the Word of God so they may stand on a firm foundation throughout their lives. 



Catechism classes begin September 12th at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday and continue through May.

Acts 4:20, “For we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard.”

Faith Instruction is offered to children from grade five to eighth grade.  This is a 4-year course, confirming in 8th grade. 

*Confirmation is when a student affirms his/her Christian belief and is admitted as a full member of the church. 


                               CONTACT US
    32300 Schoenherr Rd, Warren, MI 48088
    Phone:  586-293-0700
​​    Email:


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